Forest City Gallery (FCG) is an artist-run centre founded on artistic autonomy with a commitment to excellence in programming exhibitions and events that reflect and address recent developments in cultural production. FCG serves to foster and support contemporary art, promoting dialogue among local, regional, and international arts communities. FCG represents artists of all disciplines and career levels with a focus on emerging artists and practices.
A thriving artist-run culture.
An artist-run center that fosters and supports contemporary art, promoting dialogue among local, regional, and international arts communities.
FCG strives to be an alternative exhibition and artist venue through providing diverse programming and educational skills training for artists, administrators, educators, and advocates. In order to remain inclusive, FCG emphasizes community engagement through facilitating both open access and ongoing dialogue with community members and partners.
FCG proves itself to be resilient through remaining adaptive to the challenges and struggles of the changing climate in the arts. We provide a support system for artistic agency that fosters growth and criticality. FCG commits to be a formative platform for artists.
FCG was founded in 1973 by a nationally recognized group of London artists and musicians. As one of Canada’s first artist-run centres, FCG became a catalyst for the development of artist-run culture, contributing to the conception of ARCCO (Artist-Run Centres and Collectives of Ontario) and CARFAC (Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens). FCG is committed to paying all exhibiting artists and lecturing artists in accordance to CARFAC rates. In doing so, FCG promotes and facilitates the professionalization of visual artists. As the only artist-run centre in London, FCG is an important venue for introducing contemporary artistic practices to Londoners.
Read FCG's current Strategic Plan.
FCG is a member of CARFAC Ontario, Pillar Nonprofit Network, and Imagine Canada.
Adi Berardini - Executive Director
Lianne Zannier - Community Outreach & Programming Coord.
Jay Hodgson - Chair
Libby Roberts - Secretary
Steve MacLeod- Treasurer
Étienne Lavalee - Programming Chair
Alex MacLean - Hear Here Chair
Devon Lowrie - Youth Council Chair
Alexandra Box - Policy & Governance Chair
Amy Keating- Volunteer & Membership Coordinator
Kelly Greene - Member at Large
Hailey Edge - Ex-Officio
2023-2024 Internships & Experiential Learning Placements:
Jack Cocker - Gallery Intern
Ana Milojevic - Membership Intern
Emma Amodio - Media Intern
Yijing Li - Graduate Intern
Iris Shi - Graduate Intern​
2024-2025 Internships & Experiential Learning Placements:
Genevieve Buchanan - Gallery Intern​​
Mingjie Ni - Graduate Intern
FCG extends its thanks to Western University's Department of Visual Arts and the School for Advanced Studies in the Arts & Humanities for these valuable student placements.