FCG's Collaboratory
Please note: FCG's Collaboratory has reduced availability as we plan the shared space. Full availability of the Collab will be launched shortly. In the meantime, we have exciting plans to expand Collab resources and programming thanks to a London Community Foundation Community Vitality Grant! Learn more about this initiative here.​
FCG’s Collaboratory (or Collab, for short) is an on-site resource outfitted with communal equipment and software necessary for the production, post-production, and marketing of artistic work (visual, performance, music, and sound work). FCG staff are here to support you where possible. FCG is also developing specialized Collab-related Workshops geared toward post-production and professionalization.
The Collab has been created in direct response to findings from our 2023 Artists and Arts Professionals Survey, in which community members reported a significant need for low-cost/free and communal work space, equipment, and software.
We are delighted to recognize Michael Gibson Gallery as a valued Community Sponsor of this space, thanks to their donation of a new 24" iMac. We are also thrilled to announce that an expansion of the Collaboratory will be supported by the London Community Foundation's Community Vitality Grant.
This in-process community resource currently offers the following in terms of software and equipment:
24" iMac with 4.5K retina display
Adobe Cloud Suite
Canon Rebel T5i digital SLR and 18-55mm lens
USB adaptor
Insignia card reader
Tools and hardware for on-site use: hammers & nails, screwdrivers & screws, drills, pliers, wrenches, exacto knives, levels, rulers
Tecre Button Maker Model 100
Tabletop perfect binding machine
Paper scoring machine
Small wooden book press
The Collaboratory is free to use for FCG Members. For non-members, we suggest a donation of $5 per session (no one is turned away).
Interested in becoming a FCG Member? Learn more here!
We are currently applying for project grants to expand our Colaboratory Offerings. Do you have suggestions for useful equipment and software? Let us know at​
FCG's Collaboratory is Sponsored by