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Brenda Fuhrman

I am a visual artist focusing on drawing, painting and print. I currently live, primarily, in London, Ontario but divided my time between London and Montréal, Québec. From 1975 to 1999 I lived in Sudbury, Ontario. During my time in Sudbury I contributed posters for the women’s movement, in general, and specifically for the Sudbury Women’s Centre and the Northern Lights Folk festival. I also had the privilege, during one miner’s strike, of drawing a comic book for the children of striking miners. The comic explained the history of and reasons why their parent’s were on strike. For a number of years, I produced editorial cartoons for Sudbury’s weekly newspaper, Northern Life. Since leaving Sudbury I have attended law school, at Queens University and Graduated in 1995. In the spring of 2012 I started art school and in 2019I graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts- studio, from Western University. Whether it is through drawing, printing or painting my works communicate my version of the world. I present community, home, and friends, everything that I experience around me. I find the everyday fascinating. My current work is focused on the collective production of Comic Time, a one page (double-sided) monthly comic showcasing several London, Ontario comic artists. I hope to continue developing my comics with collaborative works being the focus because comics are the most democratic of fine art.


Art Work


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Forest City Gallery (est. 1973) is an artist-run centre located in London, ON.

FCG's programs and exhibitions are free and accessible to all thanks to the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, London Arts Council, and the London Community Foundation.

We are grateful to our artists, members, volunteers, donors, and community partners. Our operations rely on your generous and dedicated support.

Forest City Gallery
Follow Us:

Wednesday: 12 -5

Thursday: 12-7

Friday: 12-5

Saturday: 12-5

1025 Elias Street

London, ON N5W 3P6 (prev. N5W 5L1)


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